Wednesday, November 7, 2007


My table was literally invisible. Hidden beneath a pile of books, trash, pens and other useless/useful stationary, it had remained that way for the past three years!
It was the day before I joined "college"; I cleaned my table with all joy and care, pasted nice posters around my walls; it was all so neat!
I could hardly enter my room. Something had to be done. My table, which had been so pretty, and so neat, was now covered with dust, trash, cobwebs- all beauty gone! My brain was imagining things as if my table had started to talk-

"... Oh! weary mistress,
stop for a while!
Remember what I had done for you..
Help me look fine
Help me look pretty
And see, what I can be for you.."
Now, I had to stop this. It can't go on like this.
Sunday. Three separate piles were tagged- "To be thrown", "To be packed", "To be rearranged".
I had, finally, cleaned my table! It looked perfect- so pretty, so clean, so beautiful! I had spent the whole day cleaning it-
".. I salute thee, my mistress-
For you'd freed me of my burden-
You are kind
You are sweet
And for that, I shall greet;
Trust me of my service,
for I shall do it with all might..
And you shall have no regrets
I'll make sure of that, all right.."!
It was nearly night time when I had finally finished giving all my "final touches" to my table. I was so tired. I picked up the three "tagged" bundles and kept them over my table.
It was one week since I had cleaned my table. It is, literally, invisible...