Friday, January 15, 2010


There sure is a way out-
Or may be not
For no one has ever known
the way out from here.

We keep searching here-
Here and over there
No, may be not-
May be it's just not here!

Dead roses, dead leaves
Sans beauty, piled up in heat
Broken beads, breathing its last
Shrunk like the ghosts of Christmas past!

Doors! Doors! There I see!
As wide as a devil's glee!
I sprint with hope, my feet on air
I run, run, as the young brown mare!

May be the sand beneath my feet
Sent out an alarm, before my meet
For no more was there, a door that stood
But walls of stone, and not even wood!

I placed my hand, on those walls
Hoping to feel the reason for my fall
There was only, but the cold of the rock
Caging the lands wide, with gloom for the lock!


  1. Sometimes, it feels like evrything has turned against you....I get that feel when I read this post. And I'm sure there's an end to this feeling and sooner or later, it shall come.

  2. Who are you?
    I'm mystified!

  3. @ srikant...


    thanks! neway...

  4. Broken beads, breathing its last
    Shrunk like the ghosts of Christmas past

    and may such liensa are so splendid, i ont know which ones to quote.


  5. By writing it off, it makes you feel better:)) Good lines..

  6. Matangi, I dunno how many times your words stole my current feelings. I am so fed up today for two reasons:
    1. I dont have time which I can call my OWN..
    2. I read the thousand spendid suns yesterday, and the reality in it slapped me hard on face.

    anyways, you take care and lets both get well soon :):)

    PS: in case some nonsense might make u feel better, read my blog :)

  7. great going madam... very nice!!!!!

  8. @priya..

    thats one good thing i have! :) i dont like being sad.. i write them off n be happy!

  9. @ preeti..

    wow! thousand splendid suns... :) i can imagine tht!

    n yes.. :) thanks!

  10. Ordinary poetry are straight forward but it is poetry of a higher order that stimulates, inspires varied thoughts, feelings, emotions in the sub-conscious mind of the reader and leaves in him a general feeling of (intellectual) emotional solidarity, (rather empathy ).. so much so that any attempt at interpreting it in ordinary words.. would end up a bathos (?) ! feel , you are on track... CONGRATS..

  11. @ appa,

    u must take GRE classes!!! :-D

    thanks! gr8 comment! :-) i m totally scarlet right now!!!! :-)

  12. "Dead roses, dead leaves
    Sans beauty, piled up in heat
    Broken beads, breathing its last
    Shrunk like the ghosts of Christmas past!"

    And all I see is poetry!!!

    Brilliant expressions!
