A sack of wheat
A bag of rice
And a well of molten gold
All I need
Is just these there
Taken, stolen or sold!
A bottle of wine
Neat and fine
Mind, it better be old
All I need
Is just these there
Taken, stolen or sold!
Happy and gay
Party all day
Hugging desires, bold
All I need
Is just these there
Taken, stolen or sold!
I take it, I steal it
I buy it, I do-
But still I rot out cold
Left out to decay
Amidst smiles, so gay
In my well of molten gold…
A bag of rice
And a well of molten gold
All I need
Is just these there
Taken, stolen or sold!
A bottle of wine
Neat and fine
Mind, it better be old
All I need
Is just these there
Taken, stolen or sold!
Happy and gay
Party all day
Hugging desires, bold
All I need
Is just these there
Taken, stolen or sold!
I take it, I steal it
I buy it, I do-
But still I rot out cold
Left out to decay
Amidst smiles, so gay
In my well of molten gold…
PS: Image., Thank you, Google!
very nice
A blog to write,
a friend to comment,
and your well of molten gold.
Well these three,
will never get old,
no matter what be told.
you know matangi, this reminds me of something. It has a distinct ring of irony.. like reading an o. Henry story.
lovely! more pls. more!
I wish i could say that i understand poetry .. :-) I'm trying !!
very nice .. yes inded the wine is lovely when it is OLD :)
but party all day is not good :)
lovely poem loved it ...
Beautiful and Powerful.
Despite of having everything, where will you go when the race is run. Probably, die, cold.
Amazing piece. Sharing it. :)
Hope you dont mind.
Blasphemous Aesthete
It rings, like Nothing Gold Can Stay from Robert Frost. The transitory nature of value. Very nice, and thank you for stopping by my blog.
This is a nicely penned down poem , Just loved the way you said it.
it has all elements infused in it.
on the other hand it also shows the passion to live life fully and completing all the desires and ruling the temptations.
Nice one ..
awed...taken aback, felt like lets steal it n den sell to best magazines or sumthn...awesum
Beautiful and deep. Amazing poetry
@ simran...
@ rohini...
:) WOW - o.henry! thanks a ton!
@ bedazzled...
@ bikram...
@ blasphemous...
thanks! :)
@ casey...
havn't read Frost's poetry... But feels great to read the comment...
@ sm...
@ vivek...
thanks! :)
@ vineet...
thanks a ton!
@ raag...
nicely done, the underlying philosophy is well etched..or am i reading too much into it?
:( I didn't get it. What is the metaphor for the well of molten gold? I blink and therefore I am.
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