The wait was, finally over. As i was nearing the final page of the book, I dearly wished that the book would never end. And I'm sure that most others, of my ilk, across the world, would have felt the sameway too! After I finished the book, I was looking at it's cover, for a very long time. The knock on my door, the fan above my head, the bed beneath me, the phone that rang- they all seemed to tear me apart and I felt as though I was plunging back into a deep, cold and a never-ending tunnel of reality!
The wait, was indeed over! It was quite sometime later that day, that I realised something- Harry Pooter books, had been my only passion in life. I grew up listening to stories from my granny and dad. I grew up watching "Alif Laila" and "The Jungle Book" in Doordharshan. All that,had come to an abrupt end- due to reasons I do not remember. The life looked listless and I was going on in life without taking one glimpse of the life that I had left behind, when, I quite accidentally, happened to read, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. Once I finished it, I went for the next, and then the next. And that's how it was till the end- Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows! I liked the wait. I liked the way it made me feel when I looked at it's cover. And every time, it was just the same- a journey, an expedition into a whole new world- A magical world of witches and wizards, love and war, unicorns and centaurs, the good and the bad!
Who would've thought that the world would just fall in love with someone so evil, yet with a style- Severus Snape, else, shall we say it with all respect, The Half-Bood Prince? Who would've thought that the world would, one day cry for a soul, that was, after all free- Dobby! Who would've thought that a mere book was going to be so much a part of their lives, that they would go wishing that the book would never end? Will you still call it a "Childrens' Literature"?
But it's now over. There is not going to be any more Harry Potter. Or is it? May be, there's indeed some Harry Potter or Hermione Granger or Ronald Weasley out there- reading this very article, secretly smiling and thanking us all- Muggles!

You finally got into the grip of readin all pages huh.. You might think I am weird. Hmm not read and not a big fan thou'. But do watch potter movies for fun and those animation stuff.
Its a magical world and itshud be fun to read where it takes u back to the stories of Vikramadhitya and all that stuff.
Its crazy well I shud say childrens literature as u said coz it brings more reading habits for children which can make wonders in future.
it definitely isnt a children's literature! u ve got to read it to really understand wht i mean!
i certainly wouldnt deny tht i was reminded of stories of vikramaditya.. but this is much more magical than tht!
do read it.. and i promise u tht u wouldnt regret reading it ever!
Don't know what it is Mathangi, never read any potter or watched any movie. perhaps i am too old for it ??
hope you are doing fine Mathangi
Hi !
Nice write.
Hope I wd read the HP series soon.
Loved the look of your blog and your posts. Especially, the musci player which plays automatically. Could u please help me install one on my blog too! I would be extremely grateful.... Regards.
i'm sorry. yet to touch a potter book. may be, when my daughter begins reading the first book, i will read with her all the seven. non-stop :)
@ rauf..
thts okay.. ! n i m doing gr8!
@indr and the ugly(read- beautiful)
thnk u! n hope u read it really soon!
@ what's in a name..
thnk u!
A thousand thanks for helping me out with the player on my blog, Matangi. I am already indebted! Hope to see mor eof you on my blog. TC.
Now you are going to laugh Matangs, i am a bit confused, no, very much confused, i thought Lord of the ring and Harry potter is same. i am still living in the previous century the 19th, not 20th.
@whts in a name..
thts nt surprising.. my dad didnt know it either until i made him read the 1st hp book!
i got lots to catch up with eh?? :)
i dont know whats wrong with me, but all this commotion over HP kinda pulled me away from the book..never read it or watched the movies......heheheh......
hope lifes al great.....i'll b back after i finish readin al the other posts!
i loved the last book...i thot nothin could beat azkaban, but this wins hands down...and with snape...just tells u how u never ever get to know ppl completely...of course am speakin as if he existed but then...
nice post
nice article..keep it up..BTW,Thanks for dropping ur comments on my blog.
hey thnks 4 dropping by.. n i really hope tht u d read hp books some day!
hey.. i was all for azkaban too... i loved snape! it was so emotional! and also the dobby part! m so hapy tht u liked the same portions too! heil rowling!
thnk u!
I loved the Potter books too!
too bad its met its end...but dont u think its a legend we've seen grow to unparalleled magnitudes in our lifetimes..the biggest legend ever i daresay...
there's Aladin..there's Spiderman...all thse already existed when we came around...but Potter..we can proudly say to the little ones after a few years when they get hold of Potter-1, dat we were the ones who saw it become a household name...
Potter-mania hasnt come to n end...its just been immortalised... :)
very well said!
have tagged u...visit my blog for details :)
i too have read all harry potter parts.. just loved them.. they really grasp our mind and heart through out the story and even after that... it was always difficult to leave the book once started there was some magic in it for sure.. j k rowling a great writer.. i can just say awwwwwwwwwwwwwww
true yaar! evn as we revise it.. it seems we r again reenterin into somethin magic.. can never get enough of it..
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