The paper was blank and my pen had stopped moving. I remained staring at the paper. I had shut myself in my room and had my eyes closed; browsing through my brain- what to write? I needed to write something- but what to write?
Should I write about nature or sky- or the moon, or the stars? But these were things that I never found time to admire! Or about love or hate? But, for me, these were games by time, the supreme truth- they need no words to be wasted on! What do I write then? I needed to write something- but what?
I opened my eyes- I came out of my room and saw new words on my paper! I had indeed written something!
Words can never be forced; nor can they be compelled. They come out from nothing and go into nowhere. So all you'll need to do is to open your mind- come out of virtual boundaries! And you shall find yourself floating away- into an endless paradise called- Creativity!
You are so right girl and we shud not push ourselves jsut becoz we have to write something. Ther shud be a flow and connectivity in what we do.
That pic' reminds me of the moview song "Sawariya".
hey.. yes! it indeed looks like saawariya!
n thnk u!
u said the mind of many craitive writers actually.
And the way you blog is creative! It's right.. open our mind widely.. :D
@indr and curryveg..
thnk u!
It used to happen to me when at one point of time I used to be plain crazy about blogging...
Now...it's a rare phenomenon...
But well written! :)
That was so so so correct...
Reminds me. Once when I tried 'forcing' myself... it was.. ummm.. ll put it up on my blog later.. ;)
Yes, my Houdini act is over.. For now.. Check out my blogs soon.
:).. thnk u!
long time! thnk u!
brilliant....you pulled the words out of my mouth...
thnk u!
Returned to this blog after a long time....
A simple idea blogged nicely with a nice picture....
You did once visit my blog 'En a smile escapes my lips' nd told me not to force rhymes in my poem.
I did actually think upon it and i am again reminded of it now...
*havent written any poems since then though*
hey.. yes i remember u! n thnk u for u'r comment..
but why havent u written any poetries aftermath? i didnt mean to discourage u .. neway.. thnx again!
Not writing poetries wasnt intentional...I just din feel like... Remember it should come naturally and from inside me..
hey matangi...nice post...and i comletely agree with ya...
:).. well.. right u are!
thnk u!
So very true. Words are like dreams. Even if you chase them, you can never really hold them in your hands. :-)
P.S: This is Meenakshi from Kshanik Insaan. Have changed my blog address. The new one is:
thnk u!:)
"Words can never be forced; nor can they be compelled." Hmm.. the much feared and revered writer's block. I seem to have come out of recently. And I have realized what my words mean to me- freedom !
n its ur freedom which i liked the most!
well yes dats really true....writing is like those flashbulb moments u know...u cant write whenever n wherever u want..it just...comes...flashes through ur mind...its dat feeling which urges u to write...and at the end of it...mnmn...
@manisha.. Right u r!
Yes you are right. When your mind is open and receptive creative ideas flow. Keep writing... and enjoy.
@vivek.. Thank u!
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