Tuesday, June 10, 2008


"5 cadres of people, whom I love to hate"!

Thank you, Arjun

I normally avoid it when some ask me this question- "whom do you hate"? I used to think that "hate" is rather a powerful word, not to be used, unless one really means it. But recently, I had been unfortunate enough to meet all these categories of people. I used to boast, until a few years back (read- before I met the characters) that I can never "hate" anyone. But, I was proved wrong- thanks to these "wonderful souls"- who've irritated and frustrated me in every single way!

Please note: Friends, who know me personally- this is for you: "You know who "they" are. And you can always ask "them" to visit my blog and comment"!

They talk like a kid
who's barely known the world
The silver on their hairs- shine;

They boss me around
and force me to frown
And claim aloud- "Oh! you're mine"!

All day long
they warm up the benches
Gossiping aloud- grinning;

They boast of their greatness
they let not, one speak
Subtle- they play: cunning!

Them, I hate
I hate them all
But not more than those here:

Traitors, who betray
the trust I hold-
And sell my faith for pleasures, mere!

I tag:

Padma Priya




  1. Anonymous9:00 PM

    wow ... first time i am reading a tag that has been beautifully done like a poem..
    it is wonderful..and
    thanks for tagging me...

  2. @arvind..

    thnk u! :) i didnt realize.. well u cant write poetries 4 tags or wht?
    i thought- it d bee too harsh to prose it.. so to keep it a lil soft, i tried poetry..

  3. Well, it was wonderfully handled by u i must say.....
    We all have our own lists, don't we....
    As i said it in mine, We r better off not thinking too hard on such ppl....

    And here's a compliment...I've been reading ur posts....Every new post of urs gets better and better...Maybe I shouldn't have bothered u with this tag...
    Anyway, once again- very well handled..


  4. @arjun..

    hey tht s alright.. :) thnk u!

  5. com'on ur not serious abt the kinda people u hate....because...

    They talk like a kid
    who's barely known the world
    The silver on their hairs- shine;

    isnt that cute....i mean see, how many people would actually dare to be just them. there is a cute kid within each of us, and we pretend we are adult..did u watch santosh subramaniam.....i have fallen in love with genia so has the whole tamilnadu

    They boss me around
    and force me to frown
    And claim aloud- "Oh! you're mine"!

    is that cute too...thats more like a fatherly figure...or a endearing lover.....or an caring mother....

    All day long
    they warm up the benches
    Gossiping aloud- grinning;

    cute again...wouldnt the classes be boring without them.....and espescially for guys, that a beautiful sight to see a bunch of girls, huddled up togther, laughing and grinning at everybody else

    They boast of their greatness
    they let not, one speak
    Subtle- they play: cunning!

    if they boast of their greatness, hopw can they be cunning....they are ignoramus. its often easy to handle these people than the silent movers, who move their pieces, such a way that each blow of theirs is a death blow.

    Them, I hate
    I hate them all
    But not more than those here:

    Traitors, who betray
    the trust I hold-
    And sell my faith for pleasures, mere!

    there are no traitors in the world. there is only miscommunication. would u ever betray somebody close to u. never na? so why do u think others would do to u. u simply have to sit over the table, and talk to these friend of urs, and u will see often that there is misunderstanding rather than breach of trust.
    yeah yeah...i know what u r saying...that i am not practical...and i dont know a thing.......
    i am often accused of that.....thank u

  6. Superbly done! Kudos! I think I will take up this tag too. Interesting. Keep writing!

  7. thank u for the tag matangi :)
    nice post, though ur reasons for 'hating' those ppl does not fail to amuse me...:)

  8. nicely executed!

    the poetic interpretation was quite unique!

  9. @ new philosopher..

    look- first of all, i could ve written that in plain words. bt i didnt want t to b harsh. when it s poetry- u gotta read bet: lines.
    1st verse: i mean those who do nt act their age. "silver hairs" doesnt mean actually silver hair. u ve said it u r self. there r no one like u'r "genilia".. ppl. often think tht is cute.. bt tht totally irritates me. might b cute for u.. nt me! i think its Stupid!
    2nd- "boss" around.. neednt exactly be a father figure.. hw wd u like u'r frnd bossin u arnd? t might sound "cute" to u.. the feelin of "possessiveness"- if u'r jst know wht gr8 n terrible things t cud do! i ve seen the impact.. i hate it.
    3rd- "sight"? hav u evr been a "part of it"? hw d u feel- all day long, u hear nothin but smethin bad about sme1. evn if u respect X, if u constantly hear smethin bad abt X, the nxt time u meet X, u wont evn b able to look into their eyes. n the worst part of it is- u cannot erase out wht u ve heard.. u get all the negativity inside u tht disappoints u n depresses u!
    4th- tht s subtle. i didnt think u d hav got the meaning out of it. lets think- u ve heard of smethin new n u wanna share it with sme1 say, Q. u, r excited.. enthusiastic.. bubblin with joy as u say it to Q. n Q says.. "oh thts nothn.. i already know it" or Q says" bah! i ve seen better things.. known better things.."etc. it might seem alright. bt once u start hearin this constantly- almost everyday, wht would happen?u ll lose u r confidence, u r voice.. tis wont make an impact on u, i m sure.. bt u need to be in a place where u can actually feel it.. god forbid!
    5th- NO traitors?? imagine- u trust sme1 n share u'r darkest emotions n views with them. they prey on u'r emotions.. n jst whn u think u ve finally found sme1 whom u can trust.. they abandon u!

    look.. all these- for me, means much. coz, i ve met ppl like them n ve experienced emotions as abv..
    i dont want u to understand them- coz 2 understand them, u need to feel them- i only wish u nvr get the opportunity.. bt i d like to request jst 1 thing. hw evr petty one's fears or doubts or hatred may be, never underestimate them!
    thnk u!

  10. @amber light..

    :) sure.. think u! ping me after u do it..

  11. I didn't leave a comment feeling its between friends right ( ur college friends).

    U nailed it.

  12. even i was like tht sometime before.
    didnt use the word hate
    but now i m so tired of being nice to everyone, that i have actually started "hating" people.

    nicely done tag. liked the poetic part.

    P.s. ur hindi isnt tht bad. thanks for dropping by


  13. a nice post again!!!!!& cheers for ur sweet,soft heart-u hate only a handful of people.There are many who love only a handful of people

    btw,i'm also a tamilian.....
    do drop in-www.siddhumokkai.blogspot.com

  14. added u as my favs to keep a track of ur posts..plz do the same if you think my blogs to be worthy.

  15. Anonymous10:00 AM

    lovely reading this post...beautifully done poetic tag...I could also relate so much with you!

  16. Thanks for dropping by and for the appreciation :-)

    While reading this post, I realised that over the years, in various institutes where I have studied or places I have worked... I have always have had characters similar to the ones you described. Its then universal i guess :)

  17. @priya..

    nothing like tht.. only a hand full of my friends at know tht i m a blogger..

  18. @siddhu..

    evn if u r nt a tamilian i d visit u'r blog.. :)
    thnk u..

  19. @abhishek..
    sure.. thnx

  20. @flying tars..

    :) thnk u!

  21. dear matangi,
    sorry. my intention was not to hurt u. probably as u say, i dont understand it all. but let me explain why i wrote the comment in first place.
    there was this sage, taking bath in a pond. he sees a scorpian drowning in there. so what he does, he tries to pick it up with his bare hand and take it to the shore. the scorpian bites. the sage impulsively cries and drops the scorpian. he lifts the scorpian. it bites. and he drops. and this continues for many times. a stranger passing by, who had looked at this -asks the sage - why dont u just let the scorpian to die, see it keeps biting u, not understanding that u only want his good.
    the sage replies - it is the nature of the scorpian to bite so it does. it is my nature to save a life. so i am doing. if an animal with mere five sense does not leave his habit, why would i - who has six senses, would forsake my nature.
    the idea i am trying to convey his, u come out as a good person, who is through this anguis, which can be dealt with just being urself. u dont have to change. change? like u said - u used to pride that u can never hate anybody. that part has definitely changed.
    it is not easy to look at things. belive me. its tough. and i am not even asking u to be mother teresa. i am just asking u to be urself. as in the intrinsic u - who thinks she cannot hate anybody.....
    because i think, one can change for love...but one shouldnt change for hate....
    anyways....i am really really sorry...for having hurt u....and i dont know whther i have done it again.......sorry second apology to comes with this post

  22. @new philosopher..

    hey thts okay! :) did i sound offended? gosh! sorry! i jst wanted u 2 understand.. i wasnt hurt! sorry!

    see- i didnt change.. ok? i jst never felt hatred b4. bt havin understood the true nature of certain ppl- n some other time- findin tht i am nt comfortable at certain situations.. i found myself dislikin certain ppl n habits.. it was the first time i was hating smethin or sme1! so.. i wasnt exactly changin myself.. infact- a whole new pattern had revealed itself into my own character.. i m nt sme1 who d change myself- neither 4 hate, nor 4 love!
    thnk u!

  23. yes u r right ..:)

    so is th wolrld , cant help ..

  24. wow a tag in a poem form is really fantastic. i too hate the ones who dont let others speak:)

  25. @my inner world..

    thnk u! :)

  26. I can so relate to this post.Hating those who have wronged you so much is not something bad.After all,we are human too.

    Nicely done!

  27. @sameera..

    sure! thnk u!

  28. hey... im really impressed with your blog... great job keep it up...

  29. I think.. hate and love are almost the same.. if you hate someone, at some point of your life, you might have loved that person.. you hate those you love...
    Thanks for your comments in my blog :)

  30. @deliberately thoughtless..

    so true! yes. i d indeed liked them all!

  31. Interestingly done...The most beautiful tag I ever read :D

  32. for the first time, tag is more than just words...

  33. @sach..

    thnk u so much!

  34. whoa that was fantastic! specially

    Traitors, who betray
    the trust I hold-
    And sell my faith for pleasures, mere!

    it was smthng i cud relate to n smwat understand wat u must feel abt these persons! even i thought that i wont be able to hate but how wrong i was ..............:(

    but never let this few one stop u from loving rest of thm........i know u wont!:)

    and thank you for ur comment! i sincerely appreciate it!

  35. @my thoughts..

    thnk u! be sure.. i wont hate the others! :)

  36. @srividhya..

    thnk u! :)

  37. hehee..

    I am sure you have more serious (and less amusing) reasons for hating the people you hate!

    Cute poem though!

  38. @ sakshi..

    thnk u!

    u r right! ;)

  39. @hakuna matata..

    thnk u!

  40. Hate is a powerful emotion and you generally don't have it unless our love and respect for an individual gets a beating. You wrote beautifully about it. Great work.

  41. @sushant..

    tht s so true! tnx!

  42. lol thats was a really nice way to mention all those u hate.... n i pretty much got d general idea whom ur referin to....

  43. to err is human,to forgiv s divine

  44. @alex..

    thnx.. bt m not interested playing divine!

  45. Anonymous2:27 AM

    Good post.
