Friday, August 15, 2008


Thank you, My inner world and River soul!

These are the rules to follow-

1. Link the person who tagged you.
2. Mention the rules on your blog.
3. Tell 6 unspectacular quirks of yours.
4. Tag 6 following bloggers by linking them.
5. Leave a comment on each of the tagged blogger's blogs, letting them know that they have been tagged.

This, will be me:

1. When I'm nervous, I tend to check, re-check and re-re- re- check everything! The result is never "perfect"! I am very careless. But, this re-checking, keeps me assured- "At least, I've done my part"! :)

2. When I am trying to avoid seeing someone or avoid seeing someone else see me- I start staring at my watch! In other words, I cannot live without my watch!

3. I'll spend hours arranging my room. But the more I try to keep it clean, the messier it gets! I just can't work, when my place is- "all arranged". I find it easier to retrieve my things from a pile of junk, than when my room is all "neat and clean"!

4. I am "extremely" lazy. Sometimes, all I do is- sit and keep staring at the wall clock!

5. I am a fantastic "bathrom singer"!

6. I just can't throw away things. I even have my 3rd std notebooks, my imposition papers, my control systems answer sheet, assignment papers, a pencil about 2cm long (guess I used it in my 4th std.!) etc. Not that I try, but I just couldn't bring myself to throw them off! They are my memories, after all!

I now tag:

Vanilla Sky
Padma Priya


  1. Me too a bathroom singer...Thank God you didn't tag me...Well..I'm waiting for your next story..

    P.S: Blog're yet to yet to read my previous post as well.. :)

  2. @rajesh..

    ya.. next ll be a story.. and tht ll be my most fav story.. coz it d be my 50th post! i was waiting to post it for ages! n i d read all u'r posts soon.. Gosh! I ve been so busy doing "nothing".. no wonder i d named my blog- all set to do nothing! i didnt expect it- bt it has turned out to be the one "most" apt thing to happen in my life!

  3. Anonymous7:14 PM

    ohh yes! i too really can't throw away any stuff , esp those associated with childhood :)
    will do it soon

  4. Thaz great and I love bathroom singing coz its your freedom.

    Neatly done.

  5. Anonymous7:49 PM

    oops i have done it earlier..infact ppl have tagged me this one about 4 times :P
    anyway i will link u up in my post :)
    i know u are a very good singer :P

  6. @vanilla sky..

    guess.. many ppl hav the same trouble.. i got tht frm my dad! :)

  7. @priya..

    absolutely! :)

    thnk u!

  8. @arvind..

    "good singer"?! good grief! :)

    tnx! :)

  9. You have done the tag as well as I expected you would:)
    Gr8 work.
    And i'm also as lazy as the average sloth.
    :)Happy Independence Day:)

  10. @ riversoul..

    thnk u! esp for tagging me- i really enjoyed doin this tag..

  11. am a bathroom singer too :) & ya am sort of obsessesd about the cleanliness of my study room .

  12. @ trying to be truthful..

    guess there r many bathroom singers around! :)

  13. rechecking - ditto with me

    bathroom singer - wow !!!

    and regarding not able to discard things - it is gud to collect few things but not being able to discard isnt that good either :) my personal experience says it:)

  14. @my inner world..

    yes.. i was surprised too! :)

    i knw it's rather difficult a life, not being able to discard- as i say, i m trying hard! :)

    thnk u!

  15. Hey, thanks for the tag, Matangi!Can't wait to do this!;)

  16. Anonymous7:22 PM

    quirk 3 and 4 - same pinch...!!
    quirk 6 - used to...!! :)

    nice one matangi...!!

  17. @rampantheart..

    cant wait to read u'rs..

  18. Bathroomsinger +1... ;)

  19. Anonymous7:22 AM

    lovely knowing more about you & I can relate so much with you...even me too has a lot of collectible from my school days & never even think throwing them...well done tag!

  20. @flying..

    :).. thnk u!

  21. Hey, i'm dropping into ur blog after a really long time.....
    Abt this post - i can relate the last point with myself.. I too have all my marks cards n some other stuff.....

    Keep Posting..!!


  22. @arjun..

    :).. thnx 4 droppin by..

  23. Anonymous8:31 PM

    Interesting quirks... I too am an amazing bathroom singer... Wish others would agree though :)

  24. @rashi..

    :) nice to knw tht!
