Wednesday, September 3, 2008


“I just had a dream, Radha! I’m sure, it’s a boy”!

“Vimmi.. Stop for a second.. I just don’t get it. Relax.. Now tell. What was in your dream”?

“I dreamt of Lord Krishna, playing with his friends.. and Mother Yashodha is watching over him, smiling proudly, at her son..”

“That’s great, Vimmi. This is such wonderful news! I think we should tell this to Sarlaji”!

“You both seem so happy.. Now what is it that you’ve got to tell me”? Sarlaji had entered the room. She was a kind and pleasant looking, middle-aged woman, under whose care all the ladies over that place- at Anand, came to know, what was it like, to be in heaven!

“Tell me what, Radha”?

“Sarlaji, Vimmi is going to have a boy! Lord Krishna appeared in her dream”!

“Why, this is such a pleasant news! Vimmi, meanwhile, you should start being more careful about yourself. For now, you are not going to be, just you. Krishna is also, now a part of you”!

Vimmi felt elated. She had never been so happy before. She couldn’t imagine.. How it began.. And now, this!

Vimmi was sitting by the window. “Banwara mann dekhne chala ek sapna”.. crooned the radio somewhere; and she wondered, “Can we ever stop dreaming”? Smiling to herself, she was now, gazing at the stars. Somewhere, sometime ago, a star fell off the sky to become a part of herself. She slowly, got up from the bed. She walked towards the mirror and looked at herself.

She saw a reflection of a woman who was around 30. She wasn’t fair. No. She wasn’t dark, either. And she wasn’t ugly- nor beautiful. She was a mother. And that made her, sheen!

She could feel little Krishna in her, waiting to come out into the world, see new things, learn new skills- become a great man, someday!

Vimmi smiled at her own thoughts. How quickly does a woman’s imagination fly, past the future! But, now, she needed to rest. Krishna, needed to rest.

Vimmi lay awake as she rolled over in her bed. She was just too happy to sleep. She was thinking about Munni and Sukhi. Her two girls. She had been worried earlier about how well her husband would be able to take care of them. They were just two brilliant girls. Now, they went to a good school, too!

Vimmi had always been a wonderful mother and a wife. Even when her husband’s dairy business, collapsed, she never lost hope. She always knew that Lord Krishna would do something. And indeed, little Nand Kishore had played his flute, yielding to her prayers and shown her a way!

And she saw the light, in her pain. The light filled her life. And her pain was now, her hope!


“This is such a beautiful child”!

Vimmi opened her eyes. She could now see the people around her. She could see a woman, a young and very beautiful woman, holding the baby.

“Vimmi, you awoke? How do you feel, now”?

“I’m fine, Sarlaji.. the baby..”?

“Yes. You were right. It is indeed a boy..”!

Vimmi felt so happy. She had been dying to see him.. She gained all her strength back as soon as she heard it!

“May I see him”?

“Sure. Why not”! Said the woman holding the baby- “You have every right to do so”! And she brought down the baby to Vimmi.

Vimmi saw a beautiful baby boy, with unusually bright, big eyes! Just like little Kanha! She was so happy.

A man, standing beside the beautiful woman, now spoke.

“You just don’t know what you’ve done for us. I have sent the money to your husband. His dairy is now going great. I have sent him, more than what was agreed upon. And now, you can ask for anything that you may want from us..”

Vimmi looked at the man who had just spoken. She had seen him before. He had been like a God to her, helping out her family- through their misfortune, taking care of her daughters’ education. What more could she ask from him? However, impulsively, she said-

“Sethji, just promise me, that you’ll name him, Krishna…”


  1. Krishna and Yashoda in the dream...the surrogate mother and not the real one :) Loved the touch Awesome!

  2. Another feather in ur cap.. :D

  3. A traditional viewpoint amalgamated with a modern trend, that was well concocted! :)

  4. @descrying the shadows..

    thnk u! :)

  5. Beautifully written, Matangi.
    The surrogate mother sure needs a lot of strength to do what she must eventually do.
    You've depicted the situation very well.

  6. @riversoul..

    thnk u so much! :)

  7. Beautiful piece with emotions and love the way you narrated with history.

  8. Anonymous5:26 PM

    yeah...i agree with descrying the shadows...!! another feather in ur cap...

    yankee doodle would have been jealous considering u got so many and he had only one!! ;)


  9. Anonymous5:27 PM

    i have taken ur tag...and done it...
    its in my tags is in my profile or any of my other blogs...!!

  10. @vinay..

    :D tnx.. n ll look into u'r blog..

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Anonymous6:56 PM

    in poems blog itself matangi...i deleted the tags blog..!! :)

  13. Very well written!Loved the theme :)

  14. Anonymous10:35 PM

    Awesome writing on the unexplored emotional territory :) loved it !

  15. @vinay..

    :).. okay! m on it!

  16. @vanilla sky..

    thnk u! it was jst a thought i had on surrogate mothers.. sme hw felt tht d be an entirely new take on motherhood!

  17. Touching story... Well narrated... Just awesome :)

  18. As the Poms would say- jolly good!

  19. You expressed the dreams of a mother and the courage of a woman in simple words but with strong feelings!

    Nice work!

  20. nice post. but wat wud the reaction of Vimmi been if the born child had been a girl? would she have been able to accept it well?

  21. Brilliant piece of work. I was wondering the same as the person above.. what if it had been a girl?

  22. @av n amber light..

    :).. i don't know.. it s fiction ppl!
    she jst felt tht it was going to be a boy! besides, she already has 2 girls.. munni n sukhi.. she neway was only the surrogate mother!

  23. I go with alok's comment...this was too to good...hmmm...

    every article of urs betters its predecessor.. and every article is worried if its successor wud better it...

    Let anything happen...The winner at the end of the day is MATANGI MAWLEY

    P.S: blog updated

  24. @rajesh..

    thnk u so much! m flattered!

  25. the theme is soo cool...loved the total emotions felt in the narration..:),..


  26. hey, great narration...

    and i'll be back...

  27. its so sad , that there are people even now , who dont understand that a girl is as valuable as a boy . this story really touched my heart.
    selling one's own for money , selfless love for her husband .

  28. @humble devil..

    thnk u! :)

  29. @trying to be truthful..

    first, this isn't a story about girl or boy child. second, surrogate mothers are not the biological parent. they only bear the child, not conceive.

    thnk u, neway! :)

  30. ..... the most beautiful prayer that a man can do is: to give a CHILD'S Life !... to be , like God: Creator!....So, human beeing treads to Perfection....And GOD says: " let children come to ME!".................

  31. @olympia..

    :) tht was nice!

  32. hey i am bac such went through ur previous they really rock dude...u got a very good blog here..:)..loved it..


  33. Anonymous9:16 AM

    It was a simple sweet post yet so beautiful. Loved the way you've put it down :)
    Hope you wouldnt mind me bloggrolling you...


  34. @preetha..

    thnk u! nt at all.. :)

  35. woah...THAT was unexpected! nice twist in the end :) beutifully written...u certainly have a way with words :)

  36. superb write-up! well, what else can I say..

  37. Loved the way you narrated the story and used the Krishna and Yasodha more achievement....can only say CONGRATS!! AND KEEP WRITING SUCH GOOD STUFF.

  38. awwww how beautiful
    Very Very well written

    enjoyed evrythn bout it... emotions of a woman so beautifully portrayed.. and a sensitive issue too...LOVELY :)

  39. vry good.
    Keep them coming..

  40. Lovely!! I'm entranced by ur writing....count me in as a regular...BTW, u visited my other blog but if you visit "delve......" you'll see ,y own writings and poems (by this 13 year old)

    And it wld be a gr8 treat and help to learn frm u :)

  41. @meghna..

    thnk u! n sure i will..

  42. Anonymous4:16 PM

    As always it is perfectly written story! till the end I could not get any clue----. i was thinking you are going to say something about gender bias---- And Lo!! It was new issue altogether-- You have really done justice with subject----

    Your writing is riveting!!!

  43. Wow !! Such an offbeat theme to conjure !!!

    Loved this.

  44. Anonymous11:12 PM

    Beautiful story! Poetic.. Nice twist in the end... I felt there were some punctuation mistakes, like a comma where there shouldn't be.. Eg: 'they went to school, too'. May be it's just me! Sorry if I'm wrong. But otherwise, the writing was beautiful. Very emotional. Keep writing!!

  45. //surrogate mother//
    nice theme and written beautifully.
    first time here and have to say exceeded my expectations. :D

    take care and have a nice day

  46. first time here!! beautifully written!! wow!

  47. @smell of earth after rain..

    thnk u!

  48. Anonymous4:16 PM

    Hari bol

  49. super..!! loved it..nice twist in d end :)))))

  50. the interpretation of krishna n yashoda did wonders,d last lines sumwat saddened me..

  51. well the concept of surrogate mother is new for me.. I haven't heard much about it before..A very very new concept and written very well... But somehow the concept of surrogate mother doesn't appeal to me.I dunno why..But anyways got to appreciate you for choosing such a different topic :).

  52. Beautiful... that's so real ..u managed to capture a very mythical thing in reality

  53. wow wut a dream!


  54. surrogate mother....very touching :)

    thanks for dropping by my blog:)

  55. That was unique and good...
    Nice imagination.....


  56. that really touched me a lot, such a beautiful description of a mother who is expecting.
    I think one needs to be having a very strong will to hand over the child they give birth to.
    this is among your best ones!!!

  57. @my inner world..

    thnk u!

  58. wow..MM...that was a brilliant emotion,may be i missed giving a thot to...abt the courage of surrogate was jus awesome..!! lovely read..!!


  59. @ priyanka...

    thnk u!!! :)

  60. wow! a story on surrogacy:) this was beautiful, a touch of the ethnic concept of wanting a much will she be wanting it now! since she bore him...!

  61. I wonder how u get to think such bizare situations, put them into beautiful words. Very well written!!

  62. @ manisha...

    thanks!! :)

  63. @ shwetha..

    :) thanks! came across an article in India Today about Surrogacy.. I support "adoption" as i consider tht very beautiful.. but surrogacy.. there is so much more emotions to it.. no words in Oxford Dic can ever bring out all of tht!
