Saturday, November 1, 2008


Now- A fragment in time
A dew on a leaf
A fleeting moment
Soon to be, the past..

An invincible truth-
An invariant lie-
A word, sans meaning
Yet, pregnant with space..

Now, is the star
Now is this sky
Now- is smile
Rest is, but lie!

Now, is happiness
Now is the sorrow
Now, is this life
To be lived, tomorrow...


Anonymous said...

yay...matangi is back..!!
and with a bang too...very nice...

An invincible truth-
An invariant lie-
A word, sans meaning
Yet, pregnant with space..


Think Tank said...

live for today...carpe diem

Kartz said...

Ah, an update after ages... :) TCS hasn't killed ur creativity yet. ;) HCL has killed mine... :(

Good 'un!


Unknown said...

Now, is infinite
Now, is fleeting
Says Mr. Einstein, but
I keep wondering...

Dorothi said...

wow matangini....its well written... simple and fantastic ....keep writing!!

Now is slipping into past,
Now is a bag of opportunity,
How to invest is an individual's task,
Well invested it pays like money,
But it's a simple yet rare art!!

Indrajit said...


Now is what we have....
And before u realise 'Now' becomes 'Then'.
N whne u visit do read my poem...

Matangi Mawley said...


thnk u!

Matangi Mawley said...

@think tank..

thnk u!

Matangi Mawley said...


:) yep.. in fact, the more i m depressed, better is my creativity! ;)

Matangi Mawley said...


:) good 1!

Matangi Mawley said...


thnk u!

Matangi Mawley said...


thnk u! :) d sure do!

Priya said...

Very true girl...

Matangi Mawley said...


thnk u!

Sandeep Balan said...

wow matangi...that hit me like a nail in the have dealt with the most abstract of topics with such ease that it only inspires awe...too good!

Arjun said...

nice.. poetry suits u..


Matangi Mawley said...


thnk u!

Matangi Mawley said...


:) thnk u!

man in painting said...

well written Matangi..
time is the greatest challenge...
nice one
updated mine too..

WarmSunshine said...


Beautiful :)

Matangi Mawley said...

@ warm sunshine..

thnk u!

I'll try 2 be truthful said...

:) its now that matters & yet we live for tomorrow. irony.

Matangi Mawley said...

@ i ll try to be truthful..

thnk u!

V Mawley said...

very good; your semantics has a tendency to border on literature & mysticism... keep it up Mali.

olimpia said...

...pieces...pieces....into a Universe marked off only by God....musical phrase as a backgrond makes me think...yes......what I'll be tomorrow.....

Matangi Mawley said...

@ mawley..

welcome to "lighter side" appa! :) n thnk u!

Matangi Mawley said...

@ olympia..

:) thnk u!

Anonymous said...

hey matangi...!! do come visit my poems blog...its my 99th and 100th post celebrations...!! do join too!!

Matangi Mawley said...

@ leo..

ll sure do! :)

Anonymous said...

stark everlasting truth, written in simple words. n the truth about 'now' is always piercing, isn't it? nevertheless, i must say, i love the way you've carved with words, the moment with such lightness n realization.

Matangi Mawley said...

@ d..

thnk u! :)

Srividya K R said...

it is a very well written poem. full of truth. You have chosen really nice words to describe something that is still indescribable. There lies the imagination of a poet.. :)

Matangi Mawley said...


thnk u!