Friday, February 20, 2009


As promised, I have here, a mail that my father sent me today, 20th feb, 2009.

Sub: The perfect alibi.-for non-performance

Our External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherji is never tired of asking Pakistan to hand over the terror –fugitives. Well, the most pertinent question in this context is, what will you do with them? For what the cognoscenti of the country know, they will be kept in fortified bungalows, with star-style living facilities; Crores of rupees will be spent endlessly, for their upkeep-with special hospitalization for their further rest and recuperation, from time to time; Lawyers from both the countries and elsewhere, would make a big kill…the cases would be heard and re-heard by different judges, who will keep retiring, yielding place to the new ones, who will hear and re-hear the cases.
.ad nauseam…Meantime, 20-25 years would roll by; the “accused fugitives” would celebrate their sons’/daughters’ weddings, in royal style; all the political bigwigs and the Bollywood celebrities would attend the grand party-never missing the attendant photo-ops.. the media will get sufficient material to cover such “ important” functions , for a few issues, each time;

You think, I am being too pessimistic? In the parliament attack case, ( 2001 ) our Supreme Court handed down the final judgment, convicting Afzal Guru, with death sentence; what are we doing about this ?Our Home Minister says ( the Hindu dt 1st. Jan.2009) “ the Home Ministry was examining the case “ ( sic ) What is there to examine? How long will you keep ‘examining’ the case? Then, how did the Govt. present the case in the various courts and finally in the Supreme Court? And, on what basis the Supreme Court passed the final verdict?

This is only an illustrative case; many such convicts similarly “sentenced” ( e.g.) in the Rajiv Gandhi assassination case , the fellow who killed and then roasted his wife’s corpse in the Tandoori oven ) are enjoying themselves enviable govt. hospitality…( some of them may even be at large, leaving their proxy in the lock-up..! don’t be surprised at all … money can buy anything … )

While courts hand down their final judgment, courts also mention some time limit for appeal; does it not mean that once the time for appeal expires, the sentence must be executed? Is there no time limit for execution of sentences passed by the courts? To a simple mind, it appears, non-execution of court sentences after the lapse of whatever period, must by itself constitute a “Contempt of court”..

Is it good law that permits a ‘convict’ to simply present a petition to the President/Governor and thereby naively convert the Death sentence into a life-sentence?

The point that I want to emphasize is that in this country ( my dear Motherland ) the police, judicial and administrative machinery have completely de-railed…and I see no light at end of the tunnel…Very sad indeed…

Yours truly,


  1. wow... I would have to say that your dad is spot on...

    I agree with him.

    take care and have a nice day, cheers...

  2. Perfect to the dot. Period.

    *sigh* I just read another post calling for eradication of the oldies from the government and the first line here refers to Mr. Mukherjee... ;D


  3. This game will go on and on. There cannot b any solution as we have known since we became independant. When the end of the tunnel is shut out, where will there be any light. Those who enters will not see daylight. Sad scenario. If human sense, humanitarian and begging is of no use( political need), then attack is the best form of defence. Backlash, yes, there will b, but it is inevitable. Age of the politicians is only secondary but the determination 2 execute is needed. Talking 4 60yrars has been fruitless.
    There r many such instances like u said even in our country. The need of he hour is someone like Sardar Patel or a Subash Chandra Bose.
    Bless this country and wisdom prevails I conclude in hope.

  4. Very nice..
    wishes to u both
    take care

  5. The cycle seems to go on and on, and in the end, like always, no judgment is passed for the accused. There is a real urgent need for a redesign of the legal system prevalent in the country.

  6. the answer to all these worries is in establishing dharma, which the RSS, Ramakrishna Mission and the millions of other so-called communal outfits in our country are all doing in their own ways... another Vivekananda/Aurobindo can change a lot of thisgs...

    Change is always happening. Stay tuned.

  7. I don't agree. The terrorists would be better off staying in government bungalows in India, than staying in Pakistan and plotting and masterminding another Mumbai-like attack. That is the reason why the Indian Government wants them. And that is exactly why the Pakistan Government refuses to hand over the suspects, because they are banking on them to create terror in India and somehow capture Kashmir.

  8. bang onb target,hitting the nail on the head...

    Agreed veery bit of it..

    Anothr face of India Shining indeed...

    All are busy with thrf own agendas, abd it is the janta tht bears th brunt, somtimes in d form of Cummunal violence, honour killlings, terror seige and what not....

  9. wowwwwwww just brilliant. :)

    "letters from Mawley" .... i like this concept very much.

    continue with it matangi. :)

    p.s sorry for being late

  10. shankar6:57 PM

    cool matangi

  11. buddy....our judiciary needs serious reforms and we need a politician to do this.....

    let's hope this year we get one....
