Sunday, January 2, 2011


I have been staring at the ceiling for nearly 45 minutes now, trying to think of “memorable” events that had happened in my life this past year- 2010! I haven’t come up with many. Year 2010 had just been another year- uneventful and wasted.

But then, all of a sudden, I remembered a few things that not only made me eat my own thoughts but also made me think about a few other things, as well!

I began with my Tamil blog this year- ‘Maiththuligal’ which means ‘ink drops’. Even after a year, I have no idea how this blog came about and how it has been sustaining for this long with almost 31 posts in the past year! What began as my ‘idle-play’ to while away time on 25th Dec., 2009- trying to write my name in Tamil on a bit of paper, just to check if I knew the language, for I never had formal training in it- ended up as a blog with genres ranging from abstract essays to day-to-day ‘blah-blah’s to a peep into my life through my mother’s eyes! This has sure been an ‘unexpected journey’, a very pleasant travel, nevertheless.

‘Thuppaandi’- the cat. 2010 had brought him home one sunny evening- and before we knew, he was jumping up the open window, crawling beneath the sofa and stretching himself on top of my dad’s just pressed shirt! With his curiosity and laziness, he had kept us all engaged; a show-man who enjoys all the attention he gets- this chap had managed to get a smile on all our lives and helped us all to like him with all his naughtiness! I had never had a pet in my life, though I had always wanted to have a cat. I am scared of dogs. I was never allowed one. But Thuppaandi, took us all by surprise. And now, he’s not just our pet- but family!

‘The Banyan Trees’. Nivi from the e-zine had mailed me in 2009., Nov about the new venture that was on the rise and had invited contributions. Back then, I had no idea on what I would write in there- considering the fact that I happened to read her ‘highly inviting’ e-mail during an especially ‘boring’, ‘depressing’- weekend afternoon at office! But then- ‘The other son of Ganges’ took shape- and I had been contributing to the magazine- my first ‘series’ since around May 2010- ‘The other son of Ganges’. It was an experiment- and is still. And sure enough, my year 2010- ended with me becoming the ‘featured writer’ for the month of December 2010!

No matter however hard I kept thinking, I could not find anything else to go on to make up that list up there. It made me think that- there are a lot of things that we say, we do and things that happen to us and also happen due to us. But there are only a few of them, that we remember- or put it even more abruptly- that actually ‘matter’ to us! Whatever they might have been- in some way or the other- they have made me feel happy about them! But that ‘short’ list made me think- this year comes to me with its hands outstretched. But before I embrace it, I must keep in mind what exactly I must take from it!

Hoping for a great year ahead and a New Year resolution- “to be happy!” in hand- I travel once again through an unknown path towards, destiny, perhaps?

Have a very happy new year, everyone…


  1. Anonymous7:19 PM

    Happy new year

  2. thamizh wraitig gud..

    me inglish no no..

    plis rait tamizh more...

    flashbek gud

  3. Do I get a new year's wish? Could we have more of Matangi's short stories this year please?

    Happy new year!

    If you have learnt something, anything in the last year, it isn't a waste at all. Even if that something is very small. Oh and did you know? It doesn't matter anyway, time is only an illusion ;)

  4. That is quite a year to reflect upon! Wish the coming year holds many more moments which matter!

    Wish you a wonderful year ahead!

  5. Wish you a nice year in 2011 with a happiness out of contentedness, lady.

    For one who wasn't schooled in Tamizh (from what I derive from your words) you do have a good flair in it.

    Hi Hi to Thuppandi and friends. Those 3 episodes you put out were very nice. :-)

    I haven't followed Banyan Trees, let me see if I can look at it. :-)

  6. @watsnstoreforu...

    thanks! to u too...

  7. @ amber light...


  8. @ beauty n...

    thanks! happy new yr to u too!

  9. @ ramm..

    thanks!! happy new yr to u too... :)

  10. Anonymous10:21 AM

    'sbeen a great year in every possible way :)
    Cheers to a better one ahead! :)

