Saturday, May 12, 2007


i never celebrate my birth day for i believe that, there is nothing
to celebrate in being born into this world. i had never felt the
day; it had always been just another day for me. today, may 12, on my "birthday"-
i came back home after giving my exam. my mom was waiting at the doors with a smile. some time later, she said quite suddenly to me, " so you'll be 20 from now on, right"?

i was born. i went to school. i studied. i wrote exams. i passed them
alright! i go to a college. i study. i write exams. i pass them alright!

so, what exactly have i achieved in all these years? Nothing!

i was sitting in my room, looking at the walls. i saw a photo of mine-
with my friends and there was another photo of me, with my parents.

i may not be a very good daughter, for i do not obey my parents, i trouble them a lot, i sometimes don't care about them, but i had made them happy- for reasons unknown. whatever i am to them, i make them happy.

my friends like my presence. i make them happy. they laugh with me,
they cry with me, they walk with me- as i do with them.

i am twenty now. and i dedicate this birthday of mine to my parents
and to all my friends. they are all that i ve earned till now. they are all that i have!
to you- mom and dad!
to you all- my friends!


  1. Wishing you a wonderful Happy Birthday;)

    All will be fine as thaz how we keep growing. Can we satisfy everyody??

  2. @priya..
    thnk u!

    i believe that you need not satisfy others to make them happy. you should be satisfied with yourself first. that means that, when you are true to yourself, you usually end up being true to others. that makes them happy.
    thts what i had learnt till now!

    thnk u for the wishes!

  3. hello, a very happy birthday to you :), sorry I missed it, and hey how u spend ur birthday is entirely your thing, but don't regret ur existence in this world, its such a delightful place and each one of us is doing something to add more colour and charm to it, even you, maybe nothing significant, but tiny tiny things :)

  4. @suramya..
    as u can see frm my blog, i certainly do not regret my existence. its just that, i used to think that a real reason for celebration should be only when you achieve something that makes you stand out. but i realise now, that maintaining relationships is one of the greatest achievements of all!
    thnk u for the comments

  5. Anonymous3:58 AM

    Many Blessed Beautiful B'day wishes for you!
    As I read ur post, I could sense an enlightenment within you,
    From having learned 'nothing' in life, to the relationships u hav cultivated these years, a sense of belonging, a tinge of guilt, but a wave of self realisation...i may b wrong...but was it?
    If it was, I guess Today would hav been a beautiful celebration if ur bday, in your own way !


  6. Anonymous3:59 AM

    *celebration of


  7. @shammu..
    thnk u for the wishes first of all!
    and the comments- thnks a lot!
    u couldnt have used better words.. i feels most motivated.
    :).. and be sure.. i had a gr8 celebration- in my own way.. ;)!!
    thnk u once again!

  8. :-) I will not wish you a belated happy birthday, because you don't believe in it being any significant day.
    But I will wish you on making a difference to a handful of people for 20 years now. Thats significant... isn't it? lovely and touching. May you see the beauty in life even more, may you continue to interpret life in your own way.


  9. @meenakshi..
    wow. that was a wonderful gift of words.. i love it.. :) sure it is significant..
    thnk u!!!

  10. is n havin lived 20 years in this earth, thru gud times and bad, thru ignorance and enlightenment, thru ups and down, with and without people a reason enough to celebrate, isnt it acheivement enough that u r what u r now, slightly different from the one you were xactly an year go???
    just some questions.....

  11. ..gud times and bad..
    i believe that there is nothing that can be termed as "good" time or "bad".. there is no such thing once we get into this world.. time is.. afterall, only time!

    ..ignorance and knowledge..
    i dont think being ignorant then gaining knowledge is something that makes u "feel.. achieved"
    knowledge, i believe, one acquires without effort.. i m ofcourse talking about the one that would help us survive and not the one tht would help us pass tests.. tht notion may sound strange, i agree. but a human, in general is adaptive to his environment that he naturally tends to do things which he ought to do.. that s what i think.. for it applies to me, obviously!

    ups.. downs..
    this goes with the "good" and "bad" time thing.. shall we say.. a corollary to the 1st statement..

    with.. without people..
    that was certainly what my post was all abt, wasn't it? as i ve said above, while replying to a comment by suramya..."..maintaining relationships is one of the greatest achievements of all"!

    no offence meant.. they are my views..
    thnk u for the comments!
    keep visiting.. cheers!

  12. well... hap to see ur comment in my blog... thnx.. urs was cool too... sleek n smooth

  13. hey mat...

    its rather rare that someone succumbs to not celebrating such occasions... you belong to that strategic few... strategic because there is a subdued intention and sutble motive behind it which may in the slightest of times disclose its true being... there are two extremes to such moves... one is the individual who celebrates because she needs it desperately whilw the other enjoys every day and feels bored on that day specifically... one always wonders as to why one must celebrate a bday... but if you closely analyse you have dedicated your bday to your parents and friends irrespective of not celebrating it... which goes to show that there is this quintessential happiness that hides in the firm matangi... hope to hear from you.. wat ever i have stated are mere attributes... so pardon me if am wrong... cheers!!!!

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. hey mat.. there is sumthin i wan tell u... wats ur email id.. don wan discuss it here... cheers.. scrap me or mail that to me.. tc

  16. Anonymous2:56 AM

    and off i go Mathangi from the blogger world...
    its been great readin thru ur poems and knowing a bit of you thru it......
    keep blogging!Goodluck for everyhting.....

  17. @ shammu..

    i ll miss u a lot.. i hope u cme bck really fast...

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Anonymous11:06 PM

    the post is just gr8.. and i will not wish u a happy b'day coz i know u wouldnt like it..
    bt all the best.. for all ur future ventures..
    keep writing..

  20. hey mat
    i knw its really too very sorry for this...but a veeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyy haaaaaaaaaaapppppppppppyyyyyyyyyy biiiiiiiirrrrrrrrrrrrttttttthhhhhhdddddddddaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyy...

  21. @misha..
    thnx yaar.. bt no worries.. coz as u can see frm my post.. i do not celebrate my b'day.. so chill..
    thnx neway..

  22. it's a beautiful thought u put forth matangi!!!

  23. Really knocks my senses....its true that most of us realise that we did not have the most meaningful past, but i am sure it goes a long way in motivating ppl like me ;-)

  24. @devil..
    i m really happy tht my post has helped u.. u'r comments have motvated me! thnk u!

  25. be what you are.. and unless this condition is not satisfied, you cant keep anyone happy also as you are right now.. this is one thing that shouldnt change.. just be yourself, and chill!! the good things will come..

  26. @suar..

    i ll remember tht.. thnk u!

  27. Anonymous2:05 PM

    i appreciate your thinking .i have never seen such a nice blog in my entire life God bless U
