Sunday, May 6, 2007


Unnamed allies cryout aloud
their sands, moist, yet hot
bloody foam whizzing throughout
in grave silence, gloriously aloud- that
rang throughout those anonymous lands
"Give us a name",
they plea, they crave.
Unnamed bones cryout aloud
their flesh, stale, yet soft

bloody foam whizzing throughout
in grave silence, gloriously aloud- that
rang throughout those piles of bones
"Give us justice",
they plea, they crave.

their cries were in vain
it caused them nothing, but pain
yet, they remain,
to see the animals walk free
to see them hunt, to see them kill
to see them smile on their agony.
to see is why they were born;
to see is what they must do.
let them see-
as the Earth sees and the skies
as the waters see and the air
Let us see
To see is why were were born;
To see is what we must do.


  1. Anonymous10:33 PM

    that was so touching....
    yeah,perhaps, "let us see"! but...i dont know for how long we wil b able to see too,what if the animals take the eyes away? Dont know...
    Nice poem, as always!!

  2. @shammu..
    wow shammu.. practical thought but.. thnk u!

  3. heavier(read serious) thoughts coming on the lighter side..

  4. @crank..
    thnk u for the comments!
    it is said tht sme of the deepest thoughts take a finite form when one is most relaxed. that was the idea behing my naming the blog as "lighter side".. coz most of my works are "heavy"!

  5. Your name looks very special;)

  6. A really good piece of work!...i would prefer you having a bigger text or a white font , coz its the most legible colour for a dark backgrnd,

  7. @devil..
    thnk u! i ll remember tht.. while posting my nxt post!

  8. well it reminds me of a poem i read long time back..I don remember the name or the poet but it basically asked us to take out time from our busy lives and notice thing of beauty in nature,so that we could appreciate its beauty and as a consequence of that we would act to preserve it..but the lines
    "to see is why they were born;
    to see is what they must do."
    could you elaborate on what your perception of the phrase "to see" is..? Is it "' to act" or simply just see or something i haven understood at all..?
    but the description is..well ineffable but in a positive way

  9. @descrying the shadows..

    "to see.." - just be.. do not act.. i mean our inherent helplessness..

    i had the nithari killings in mind whn i wrote this poetry..
